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Discover Pear Tree School:
A Complete, Inclusive, and Stimulating Education

Welcome to Pear Tree School, where we believe in providing a comprehensive and enriching educational experience for every student. With our commitment to fostering intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and ethical development, we create a vibrant learning community that nurtures the whole child.

Why Choose Pear Tree School?

  • Comprehensive Approach: Our educational philosophy goes beyond academics, ensuring that each student's unique strengths and talents are nurtured. We believe in a well-rounded education that prepares students for success in all areas of life.
  • Inclusive Environment: At Pear Tree School, diversity is celebrated, and every student is valued for who they are. Our inclusive community embraces different perspectives, backgrounds, and abilities, fostering an environment of respect and understanding.
  • Stimulating Learning Experiences: We go beyond traditional teaching methods, offering hands-on, theme-based learning that sparks curiosity and engages students in meaningful ways. Our dynamic approach encourages critical thinking, creativity, and a love for learning.
  • Holistic Development: We prioritize the holistic development of our students, focusing not only on academic achievements but also on their social, emotional, and physical well-being. We provide a supportive and nurturing environment that helps students grow into confident, well-rounded individuals.

Discover Our School:
Experience the Pear Tree Difference

Join us on a journey of discovery and exploration. At Pear Tree School, your child will thrive in an environment that nurtures their unique abilities and cultivates a love for learning. Take the first step towards providing your child with a complete, inclusive, and stimulating education.

Sign up for our upcoming Open House event or request a personalized tour of our campus. We would be delighted to show you how Pear Tree School can shape your child's educational journey and unlock their full potential.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to discover the Pear Tree difference. Fill out the form to get started.


What Pear Tree Parents Think!

Parent Testimonials

Pear Tree School is a forefront leader in childhood education.
Vanja Ryan
“Pear Tree School provides an environment where children are welcomed and supported.”
Katherine Corden
Pear Tree School is what 21st century education should be.
Ivy Dreger
Pear Tree School fosters children's love for learning and helps them grow as confident, responsible and kind people.
Irina Mackay
Pear Tree students are learning to think deeply and critically about the big issues of our day.”
Kate Chase
Pear Tree's project-based learning approach is practical and impactful.
Zahra Hudani
Pear Tree Values
Pear Tree Diversity
Pear Tree Uniqueness

School Location

Pear Tree School
Suite 215 - 2678 West Broadway
Vancouver BC V6K 2G3

